{theatre}+{náfsi} FOR Youth announces AUDITIONS for it's Annual Rochester Holiday show, Anansi Tales for the Holidays; October 6th and 13th from 2:30PM-5PM at Irondequoit UCC 644 Titus Ave., Irondequoit, NY.Make it stand out
{theatre}+{náfsi} FOR Youth announces AUDITIONS for it's Annual Rochester Holiday show, Anansi Tales for the Holidays; October 6th and 13th from 2:30PM-5PM at Irondequoit UCC 644 Titus Ave., Irondequoit, NY.
This year's performance introduces folktales around the legend of the Legend of the Flying Africans, popularized in books, film, art, and storyteling: Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, Virginia Hamilton's The People Could Fly, Kei Miller's Augustown; modern art of Constanza Knight and known through stories among the state of Georgia's Gullah/Geeche people and peoples of West-Central Africa.
We are looking for a mixture of four adults and five youth/teens for the upcoming play Jan 1-5th 2025. Rehearsals are typically three times a week for 2-3 hrs. Feel free to comment here or email us at info@mpactoday.com.